
Welcome to the website of the Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society (ANZFPS). The ANZFPS was formed in 2006 to promote the multidisciplinary study and implementation of falls prevention in older people. The society achieves this purpose by:

  • holding regular meetings to present and discuss the latest research and clinical findings relating to the falls risk factors and falls prevention strategies;
  • facilitating student participation at ANZFPS meetings through travel grants, low registration fees and presentation awards, and;
  • providing members with email notifications about upcoming ANZFPS meetings and other occasional email updates. You can read our newsletters here. 

The ANZFPS acknowledges the traditional owners of the unceded lands of Australia upon which we live and work and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.
The ANZFPS acknowledges tangata and mana whenua across Aotearoa New Zealand, tēnā koutou katoa.

Save the date! 11th Biennial Conference: 23-25 November, 2025, Sofitel Wentworth, Sydney, NSW

“Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge” by DRX is licensed under CC BY 4.0

The Australia & New Zealand Fall Prevention Society are pleased to announce that the 11th Biennial Australia & New Zealand Fall Prevention Society Conference will be held at the Sofitel Wentworth Hotel, Sydney, NSW on the 23rd to 25th of November 2025.

We look forward to another memorable conference filled with high quality talks on fall prevention.


ANZFPS Report: “The rising cost of falls; why investing in prevention can’t wait”

On Thursday 24 November, the Australia and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society (ANZFPS) launched the report ‘Why investing in falls prevention across Australia can’t wait’ at NeuRA. The report highlights the growing issue of falls in Australia and calls for the development of a five-year National Falls Prevention Strategy accompanied by a long-term funding strategy to support its implementation, oversight, ongoing monitoring, and review. More information on the proposed recommendations can be found in the report below.

Download the report here

Australia & New-Zealand Falls Prevention Society: Who are we?

ANZFPS flyer – download

ANZFPS Executive

PRESIDENTProfessor Kim Delbaere, Neuroscience Research Australia
VICE PRESIDENTDr Daina Sturnieks, Neuroscience Research Australia
TREASURERProfessor Stephen Lord, Neuroscience Research Australia
SECRETARYDr Anna Hatton, The University of Queensland
COMMUNICATIONS MANAGERDr Jasmine Menant, Neuroscience Research Australia
STUDENT MEMBERMs Charlotte McLennan, The University of Sydney
PAST PRESIDENTProfessor Cathie Sherrington, The University of Sydney
2021 PAST CONFERENCE HOSTProfessor Ngaire Kerse, The University of Auckland and Joyce Cook Chair in Ageing Well
2022 UPCOMING CONFERENCE HOSTProfessor Anne-Marie Hill, Curtin University
GENERAL MEMBER - NEW ZEALANDProfessor Debra Waters, University of Otago
GENERAL MEMBER - AUSTRALIADr Morag Taylor, Neuroscience Research Australia
GENERAL MEMBER - AUSTRALIAAssociate Professor Lynette Mackenzie, The University of Sydney
GENERAL MEMBER AUSTRALIAProfessor Anne Tiedemann, The University of Sydney
GENERAL MEMBER - AUSTRALIADr Melanie Farlie, Monash University

ANZFPS Sub-Committees

Sub-CommitteeLed by
CommunicationsDaina Sturnieks
EducationJasmine Menant
Early Career ResearcherMorag Taylor, Melanie Farlie, Daniel Treacy
Advocacy & Research CollaborationCathie Sherrington
Falls Best Practice Guidelines UpdateJasmine Menant

To contact us you can email anzfallsprevention@neura.edu.au


Click here to download the ANZFPS-Bylaws-2023